Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Mike and audience

Kolkata and the people of Kolkata, are always the most enjoyable type, and I, a Kolkatian too enjoyed the same. My home was in Park Circus the heart of the City well known for its markets, with all the hustle and bustle of the market place: Small shops, big shops, stalls etc. The tea stalls were the most entertaining one for they would be playing the radio, which was a boon for me, an ardent lover of music, especially songs. The need of any individual radio in one's home wasn't a necessity at all, for songs would be blarrering out, from these tea stalls. And moreover, other than these stalls, there were the loud speaker rental stores, who too would be playing their records. So it was a celebration all the time, and these 24x7 songs made me a good singer humming around the house all day. The days passed by with this practice of mine and I started thinking myself to be a singer not less than the great legend Lata Mangeshkar ji. Thus  brimming with pride ๐Ÿ™† the Lata ji  residing in me now inclined to catch the attentions of neighbours and relatives singing aloud, and within no time a session of Atankshari began every weekend in our home. This talent of mine slowly came to the notice of my busy Accha too. My Accha adhering to the advice of my neighbours decided to bring out my talent on stage in one of the Onam programmes organised by the Malayali Samajams. Accha was a very active member of Rotary club, Malayali Samajams etc. Thus, began my practice classes, day in and out, with loads of praises and backings,which made me a full blown balloon๐ŸŽˆ of pride. The day of the programme arrived, and I, with the support of my family members, was all set to be on stage, though I  never had  an experience of one.Onam programme began in chronological order with  dance performances being the first: audience started enjoying every moment with great enthusiasm. Then, came the  session of Ganamela. One by one the singers started
singing their songs and were getting applauses. I standing at the backstage was hearing all this and was waiting for my turn with full confidence clearing my throat.  Just at that moment my name was announced and I moved to the stage, in front of the Mike. The spot light flashed upon me and I witnessed the huge audience in front of me. Opening the song written chit in my hand, I started Arr.....hum....hrrr... hum...hum...hum. All these sound came out from me except the song. The Lata ji inside me didn't stir nor will sing. I was literally shaking with stage fright and the nervousness choked me, by now the audience bursted out laughing and hooting. Phusss....... ๐Ÿ˜’gone with the wind was my enthusiasm and pride, and my dream of singing to a large audience came crashing down.  As it is said "Pride comes before a fall," I ran ๐Ÿƒtowards the back stage with tears in my eyes ๐Ÿ˜ญ  and my dream remains a dream even today.

Pic courtesy Google images

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