Saturday, June 6, 2020

Zimikand/Sooran/Oal/Chena fry

A brief discrption of this wonderful vegetable

Zimikand or Elephant foot yam is considered to be a staple food, rich in carbohydrates proteins and vitamin B6, a great food for diabetic patients since it helps in maintaining the sugar levels. It's also help in increasing the bowel movements, thus a relief to  the one suffering from constipation.

1. Zimikand 1/2 kg
2. Onion - 2 large
3. Whole red chillies - 4
4. Pepper corns -1 tsp
5. Garlic - 5 cloves
6. Turmeric powder - 1tsp
7. Salt to taste
8. Oil for frying

Cut the Zimikandinto pieces (just as shown in the pic above)remove the skin and boil adding salt and turmeric powder in a cooker, one whistle. This prior cooking will help to fry it quickly and soft too. Mostly Zimikand takes longer time to cook if raw. Remove when cool and cut it into thin slicesGrind the onion,peppercorn, whole red chillies and garlic to a fine paste in a mixie. Apply/ coat the paste nicely on the Zimikand slices. Keep it covered for ten minutes. Heat a tava pour oil and place the Zimikand slices, fry on slow flame, turning the sides when the lower sides completely turns brown and crips.
Fry both sides until brown and crispy.  Remove, your
Zimikand/Sooran/Oal/Chena fry is ready to be served. You can have it like a snack or as accompaniments.

(Pic courtesy Google images)

1 comment:

Grandma's Tales said...

Veer's favourite side dish....I make it without pressure cooking...

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