Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Paccha tiyal without the roasted masala. All greens tiyal

A combination dish

Green tomatoes

Raw Banana
Green pumkin

Cluster beans

Raw papaya

Cluster beans, raw banana, raw papaya, green pumkin,green tomatoes. You can make your own green vegetable combination.

Cluster beans, raw banana,raw papaya and green pumkin are a good source of Vitamins and fibre.


1. Cluster beans- 100 gms
2. Raw papaya- 100 gms
3. Raw banana- one
4. Green pumkin,- 100 gms
5. Green tomatoes- 2
6. Green chillies-5
7. Grated fresh coconut-a cup
8. Coriander seeds- 2 tbs
9. Tamarind pulp - 2 tbs
10. Curry leaves a few
11. Coconut oil -2 tbs
12. Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
13. Fenugreek seeds- 1 tsp
14. Salt to taste
15. Water- 3 glass


Cut the vegetables into small pieces including tomatoes. Keep aside. In a pan (earthern pot would be better) boil the vegetables adding tumeric powder, salt and two glassess of water, excluding tomatoes. Once half cooked add the tomotoes and cook well until soft and cooked.Grind together grated fresh coconut,green chillies,and corainder seeds to a fine paste. Keep aside.

Dry roast the meethi seeds and grind it to a powder. Keep aside. Soak the tamrind in a glass of water. Extract the pulp.
Keep aside. Place the pan with the boiled vegetable on gas stove on medium flame. Pour the tamrind extract, let it boil for five minutes. Add the grounded paste and boil further for two minutes. Switch off the flame add the powdered meethi seed powder,

curry leaves and two table spoon coconut oil. Paccha tiyal is ready to be served with rice.

Pic courtesy Google and self click.

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